Vampire Facelift®
Vampire Facelift®

By combining PRP injections with dermal filler treatments, we can perform a Vampire Facelift® that significantly rejuvenates your appearance. Rejuvenated Medical Spa is proud to offer this advanced treatment to residents of Northwest Arkansas.

What is a Vampire Facelift®?

A Vampire Facelift® combines PRP injections with dermal fillers for enhanced facial rejuvenation. PRP is gaining popularity as a cosmetic treatment due to its natural properties and lack of serious side effects. When injected into the face, PRP promotes healing and revitalizes the skin. By combining PRP with the immediate effects of dermal fillers, a Vampire Facelift® delivers more substantial results in a shorter time frame.

The synergy between PRP and dermal fillers results in skin that is more hydrated, lifted, and youthful. This makes the Vampire Facelift® an excellent choice for reducing lines and wrinkles or enhancing overall skin volume.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does a Vampire Facelift® Cost?

The cost of your Vampire Facelift® at Rejuvenated Medical Spa will depend on several factors. During your free consultation, we will discuss your treatment goals to determine the best approach for your Vampire Facelift®. Some patients may require multiple sessions. We will consider these and other factors to provide you with the full cost during your consultation. To make this and other services more affordable, we are proud to offer financing through CareCredit®.

What is the Vampire Facelift® Treatment Like?

The Vampire Facelift® begins with drawing a sample of blood, which is then processed in a centrifuge to create platelet-rich plasma (PRP). While this process is ongoing, we will numb the skin in preparation for injections. The treatment starts with dermal filler injections, which are typically well-tolerated due to the numbing solution. Following the fillers, PRP injections are administered to deliver the healing benefits beneath the dermal filler. The number and location of injections will vary based on your goals. The entire procedure typically takes less than one hour.

Is There Any Downtime After a Vampire Facelift®?

There is no downtime or recovery period required after a Vampire Facelift®. Patients can receive the treatment and return to their normal activities the same day. However, you may experience redness, swelling, or tenderness at the injection sites, which typically fade within a few days.

When Will I See Results from My Vampire Facelift® Treatment?

Results from a Vampire Facelift® are visible instantly. The dermal fillers provide an immediate boost in volume, smoothing out wrinkles and lines. Over time, the PRP will further enhance the skin's lift and rejuvenation. The combined benefits of these treatments can produce results that last for at least a year or longer.

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