Gut Health
Did you know that we offer testing to help you optimize your gut?

At Rejuvenated Medical Spa, we firmly believe that having a healthy gut is critical for helping you feel your best. There is an extensive amount of research indicating that the health of your gut impacts your quality of life. While some patients may experience classic symptoms of gut dysfunction including irregular bowel movements or pain and bloating after meals, other not so common issues may arise including changes in skin, increase in headaches, or extenuating fatigue. 

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms it may be time to look at the overall health of your gut. And no, just because your colonoscopy was normal does not necessarily mean your gut is healthy! The testing we utilize gives an in-depth look into your microbiome and can be done by blood work and/or a stool sample depending on the test. 

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivities have been increasing in prevalence over the last decade and may cause a variety of symptoms. Some symptoms happen immediately after eating certain foods, while others may be delayed by several hours or even days. We utilize IgG and IgE antibody testing to help identify common food sensitivities and each test comes with a personalized summary of “reactive” and “nonreactive” foods. This is completed in the office as a simple blood draw. Food sensitivity testing takes out the guess work. 

GI Map

The GI MAP is a comprehensive stool study that utilizes qPCR technology to understand the diversity of your gut microbiome. It can detect bacteria and yeast overgrowth, parasites, H. Pylori, gluten intolerance, and overall inflammation of the gut. This stool-based study is collected in the comfort of your own home and results typically take 2-3 weeks to return. Each test comes with a personalized healing protocol to help you optimize your gut health!  

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