The O Shot® is an all-natural, painless procedure designed to rejuvenate and enhance vaginal and clitoral function, leading to dramatically improved sensitivity and a significantly better sex life. As women age, they often experience unwanted symptoms such as diminished sexual desire, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, and reduced sexual responsiveness. The O Shot® is a breakthrough solution that revitalizes sexual health and boosts self-confidence without the need for surgery or downtime.
Performed on over 20,000 women, this non-surgical procedure can help with:
The O-Shot® is an in-office procedure that utilizes platelet rich plasma (PRP) to improve sexual response and lubrication in women. PRP, which contains growth factors that are extracted from blood, is injected into the clitoris and vaginal canal (the “O”-spot), the two most important areas for producing an optimal sexual response. Local anesthetic cream is applied prior to injection and patients experience little to no discomfort during the procedure. Rejuvenated Medical Spa is the only clinic in Fayetteville, specially trained to perform this state-of-the-art procedure that can dramatically change a woman’s quality of life.
ThermiVA is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure that uses radio-frequency thermal energy to promote natural collagen production and tissue rejuvenation. This produces significant improvement in vaginal tightness, lubrication, ability to orgasm and sensation, appearance of genitalia, and better urinary control. ThermiVA is a safe, in-office treatment that achieves remarkable results without any need for downtime or discomfort.
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