


Did you know that according to a recent study evaluating the prevalence of thyroid disease, there may be more than 13 million Americans who are unaware that they have hypothyroidism?

Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism


Difficulty concentrating and short term me


Recurrent and chronic infections


Loss of energy (malaise/fatigue)


Decreased mental sharpness, “brain fog”


Difficulty losing weight


Depression or mood swings


Brittle fingernails with ridging


Enlarged thyroid gland


Dry skin and Hair loss


Fluid retention


Weight gain


Enlarged tongue with teeth indentations


Cold extremities and cold sensitivity


Tiredness after a full night’s sleep


Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides


Muscle pain and cramps


Low basal body temperature


Menstrual irregularities


Cold intolerance


Joint pain





Why Hypothyroidism is Commonly Misdiagnosed

We hear from people all the time who share with us their thyroid symptoms, but are then quick to say that their doctor already checked their thyroid and it is fine.

This is frustrating because their doctor has dismissed their symptoms of hypothyroidism in lieu of one blood test result, the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test.

Why The Normal Laboratory Range Fails the Patient

The “normal laboratory range” of thyroid hormone is an arbitrary value, defined statistically as plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean. This so-called “normal range” is as wide as the Grand Canyon and as tall as the Empire State Building. In practice, it means that approximately 90-95 percent of the population will always fall within the normal range. However, it’s assured that 90-95 percent of the population does not feel healthy, well, or full of energy.

There is another reason why lab tests should not be the sole factor in determining whether an individual has hypothyroidism: thyroid hormone levels decline with age, with predictable effects on energy and well-being. It is the relative decline in your thyroid hormone level that matters, not your level compared to some arbitrarily defined standard.

Our Approach to Hypothyroidism Treatment

The Main difference is our approach is that we treat to optimal function.
However, the primary criterion for diagnosis and for evaluating the effects of treatment is how the patient feels. If the symptoms of hypothyroidism are present, we treat accordingly.

Your discussions with us, combined with our medical examination and tests, determine if desiccated thyroid supplementation might be of benefit to you. If you come to our center with symptoms of hypothyroidism, even though your thyroid hormone levels might be in the so-called “normal” range, we may offer you a therapeutic trial of bioidentical thyroid hormone replacement unless you have a health condition that precludes this.

We will monitor you and incrementally adjust your dose, checking your thyroid lab values to assure that they are within safe ranges, until your symptoms of hypothyroidism are resolved.

Natural vs. Synthetic Thyroid

We treat with desiccated thyroid. Examples of brand names of desiccated thyroid are Armour Thyroid or Nature-Throid. Such desiccated thyroid preparations contain both the inactive and the active forms of thyroid hormone. Common synthetic thyroid preparations such as Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, and other levothyroxine sodium products contain only a synthetic version of T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone. This may work for you if your body is perfect at converting the inactive T4 to the active T3 that your body can actually utilize.

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